About 10000 chemistry presentations will happen in Denver soon

Press Release

13 Aug 2024
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13, 2024 — The American Chemical Society (ACS) is hosting ACS Fall 2024, its virtual and in-person meeting, with the theme “Elevating Chemistry.” It will take place in Denver on Aug. 18-22.

About 10,000 presentations will feature cutting-edge developments on a range of scientific topics at ACS Fall 2024. Embargoed press releases and videos are available to members of the media on the EurekAlert! website. Reporters can also email [email protected] to request access to the embargoed content. View the ACS Fall 2024 schedule for a full list of in-person, hybrid and virtual events.

Attend one of the many keynote events, virtually or in person, including the plenary session on Sunday, Aug. 18; the Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in Chemistry Lecture on Monday, Aug. 19; and the Fred Kavli Innovations in Chemistry Lecture on Tuesday, Aug. 20.

Endorsed by ACS President Mary K. Carroll and the organizers, the meeting’s presidential events will deliver scientific content of significant interest to those attending ACS Fall 2024. A full list of these events can be accessed on ACS’ presidential events page.

ACS considers requests for press credentials and complimentary meeting registration from reporters (staff and freelance) and from public information officers at government, nonprofit and educational institutions. Please request press credentials by completing this form. ACS reserves the right to refuse press credentials for any reason.


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