Leads Platform

A search and connect platform for the chemical industry

What is Leads Platform?

Chemical Market Leads Platform is a

  • Marketing Tool for traders in the chemical industry
  • Inventory Management and Marketing Tool for the manufacturers and distributors in the chemical industry
  • The Suppliers provides verifiable available quantities, prices for their own product listings, making it easy for buyers to connect.
  • Suppliers can be Manufacturers, Distributors or Traders.
  • Buyers can search for commercially available chemicals and their worldwide suppliers.
  • Buyers can be other distributors in Private Group or traders in the Public Group.
  • Each suppliers "Established Date" identifies the time they have been in business
  • Incase of a supplier is a Distributor, our portal indicates the manufacturers they are distributors for
  • Incase of a supplier is a Trader, they can create their own Buyers List to broadcast message/new product availability.

Post Your Products

Note: Product Listings to Leads Platform is a selective process and requires your catalog to be vetted. Only commercially viable products will be indexed/listed.

  • Increased product exposure
  • Prospects/Leads connect directly with your business
  • Get key products noticed with featured listings (paid)
  • Assign CAS# or HSN Codes to your products for better results

Search Auto Complete

  • When you search for a chemical name or CAS#, it will prompt you potential products just like Google Auto Complete

Leads Platform at a GLANCE

Private Groups

  • Manufacturers can create single/ multiple private groups and mandate their distributors to be a part of it.
  • Manufacturers and Distributors can post products in the group. Products are made visible only within the group.

Public Groups

  • Unauthorized Distributors/Traders can only post their products in the public group and get enquiries directly on their Email.
  • Expose it to potential google search as well. Example Google : “chemical market stearic acid”

Surplus Products

  • List your surplus products into the system which acts as a passive marketing/sales channel.

Up-to date information

  • Manufacturer/Distributor/Supplier can update their product listing daily, weekly, monthly or quaterly.(manually/automated)

Broadcast Information

  • Manufacturers can broadcast information to their distributors for new manufacturing cycle or new product updates.
  • Traders can add external buyers and create their own buyers list to broadcast information to the buyers list whenever new products are available.

Global Audience

  • We are media partners with several chemical related exhibitions globally (including Cphi North America, Dubai Coating Show, India Chem, TurkChem, Inter-Dye Turkey, Chem UK, Bangladesh Dye Chem, Sri-Lanka Dye Chem and many more.

No Fake Enquiries

  • Members need to verify their email/phone to send you an enquiry.
  • Enable "Open for Distributors" option and build your network of distributors by getting requests from other potential distributors/companies

Media Coverage

  • Being a media company, you have access to latest news, press releases and chemical prices.

Subscribe To Our Leads Platform

Your marketing tool for the chemical industry!

  • Yearly

USD $11.99/year   $19/month $49/month $99/month $199/month
USD $11.99/year   $228/year
NOTES: - Price per year is for uploading your Chemical Products/Technologies.
- You may or may not receive leads, but if you do not upload, you surely will NOT receive leads.
Membership Level Limits
Product Postings 0 10 100 500 5000
Upload Product Profiles (SDS,PDF files) 0 10 100 500 5000
Chemical Markets Accessible All 2 5 10 20
Technology Categories Accessible All 2 5 10 20
Users Allowed 1 2 5 10 20
Member Locations 1 2 5 10 20
Magazine Access   Check Check Check Check Check
Post Enquiries Check Check Check Check Check
Search Products / Technologies Check Check Check Check Check
View All Products By Company Check Check Check Check Check
Rate Company (Coming soon!) Check Check Check Check Check
View Enquiries (Leads) Close Check Check Check Check
Receive Enquiries (Leads) via Emails Close Check Check Check Check
Products in Search Engines (like Google) Close Check Check Check Check
Bulk Upload Products using excel(> 10) Close Check Check Check Check
Download Posted Products (in excel) Close Check Check Check Check
Other Premium Features
Establish Company Profile Page Close Check Check Check Check
Activity Reports Close Check Check Check Check
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