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Chemical Market is a platform for the chemical industry which provides the following services:-

1. Chemical Market Interactive e-Magazine devoted to Dyes, Chemicals, Solvents, Paints, Auxiliaries & Pharmaceuticals industry. It reaches to

  • purchase & sales officers
  • technicians & traders
  • manufacturers & distributors
  • academic universities
  • research organizations

Its circulation is all over India & reaches masses in US, Europe, and Asia.

2. Chemical Market Leads Platform
Chemical Market Leads Platform is a web-based online marketing tool that helps manufacturers and its distributors, traders and wholesalers to share their inventories within selected markets & regions. Our platform supports both chemical products listing, chemical technology listing including Logistics, Packaging and Filtration solutions.

3. Export/Import Data Module (EXIM)
Export/Import Data Module (EXIM) provides authentic and updated data which is collected from Indian ports, customs, and other trusted authorities in India. It includes information such as importer, exporter and consignee details, quantity, countries etc.

4. Press Release Publication Services
Provides a platform to publish your company and products press releases to reach out to the organic audience in the chemical industry.



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