Editorial August-2018 Trade War Between US and China

Rajiv Parikh

27 Aug 2018
With the slight relief from the heavy monsoons, the businesses have revived and gained momentum. The trade war is the talk of the town since the last couple of months but it has had a positive impact on the chemical market in India. The tariff war between China and the USA means more business for the Indian chemical industry. This is an opportunity for Indian companies to expand business and increase their exports. In this issue, we cover the impact of trade war on the Indian chemical industries. We have also covered the current state of supply chain in chemical and pharmaceutical industries and the challenges faced by the same. India needs to put in a lot of time and efforts to develop an efficient supply chain which will reduce the operating costs. If the cost of transportation comes down, the product cost will also decline. However, there is a long way to go for Indian industries. India does not have the infrastructure necessary for an efficient supply chain. There is no proper road or rail  connectivity or storage facilities for products which have special storage requirements. The industry will be expanding in the future and the demand for products will rise but only an efficient supply chain will be able to meet the demands.
On other note we talk about the success of oleochemicals and fragrance industry in the country. With the penetration of smartphones and increasing consumer spending, people are inclined towards the online perfume and personal products industry. The industry is expected to grow by 10% CAGR in the next five years. India has a huge potential to grow in the field but needs substantial investment in research and de­velopment and infrastructure. There is also a need for well trained manpower at every stage in the perfumery industry. The industry is dominated by unorganized players and there is a need for a strategic extraction of aromatic plants for further manufacture and production. The industry has achieved sub­stantial success in the country and the global world, yet there is a long road ahead for the Indian aromatic and oleochemical industry.
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